Trying to put painful or traumatic memories out of your mind only stores them in a different part of your brain allowing them to resurface later. Have you ever tried to put one of your angry, sad, scary, embarrassing, shameful, rejected or stressful memories 'out of your mind' only to Read More →
ANGER MANAGEMENT 201: Do You Blurt, Block or Channel Your Anger
Blurting your anger hurts others. Blocking your anger hurts you. Channeling your anger is the only permanent solution to anger management. There are three basic ways that you can express anger. Young children blurt out their anger, they express it in a raw physical form such as Read More →
Premenstrual Syndrome? You may really have PTSD
Recent research shows that trauma and PTSD can cause severe premenstrual syndrome. If you have really bad PMS (premenstrual syndrome) you may actually have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Women with PTSD are 7x more likely to have a severe form of PMS called Premenstrual Read More →
Communication ABCD’s – Communicate your way into closeness
When you run into communication problems you need to go back to the ABCD's - A) A Single Issue, B) Best Time, C) See Their Perspective & D) Do It Again. In sports when you are consistently missing with your tennis swing or your jump shot you always go back to the fundamentals. In Read More →
4 Words That Can Stop Any Marital Argument.
These 4 words can 1) stop marital arguments mid-sentence, 2) help you become a super spouse and 3) help your spouse to become less defensive. The next time you have an argument with your spouse I want you to say the very last thing that they will expect to hear from you, “You Are Read More →
Marital Time-Out Plus – Communication Skills For Hot Topics
Do your arguments about some topics blow up into major explosions. Here are some advanced communication skills to help you avoid those minefields. Start with the first 6 steps of the standard Marital Time-Out Program and then add these additional steps to tame those totally Read More →
Do you have problems with ANGER, FEARS, SADNESS, OBSESSIONS or COMPULSIONS? Do a simple exercise to find out if emotional baggage is subconsciously causing your problems. Think of an issue that is interfering with your life right now. This may be anger, sadness, anxiety, an Read More →
3 surprisingly simple but powerful communication skills
Have you been avoiding bringing a hot-button topic up with your friend, co-worker or spouse? Here are three surprisingly simple communication skills that turn arguments into real understanding. RUN YOUR HANDS UNDER COLD WATER When I wash dishes, I have a problem, I like to use Read More →
Your Internal GPS-How anxiety can make you lose your way
Your internal GPS was designed to help you chase your dreams, anxiety resets your GPS to make you run away from nightmares. Now at any moment in your life you are either chasing a dream or you are running away from a nightmare. Your brain has just 2 gears, forward and reverse, you are Read More →
ANGER MANAGEMENT 101: Your anger is either coming from your present, your past or your present amplified by your past.
You are standing in line at Starbucks to get your morning coffee and a guy in a blue shirt comes up, cuts in front of you in line and then, for no reason, he stomps on your toe as hard as he can. All of a sudden your heart rate zooms up from 70 to 140 beats per minute as the Read More →