Want to get rid of emotional baggage? Emotive Journaling ™ is self-therapy to get rid of emotional baggage from a difficult childhood, past relationships, bad work experiences or just stressful times. A NATURAL WAY TO HEAL EMOTIONALLY Imagine this. Your 1st grader comes to you all Read More →
How to really recover from trauma and stress
Trying to put painful or traumatic memories out of your mind only stores them in a different part of your brain allowing them to resurface later. Have you ever tried to put one of your angry, sad, scary, embarrassing, shameful, rejected or stressful memories 'out of your mind' only to Read More →
Premenstrual Syndrome? You may really have PTSD
Recent research shows that trauma and PTSD can cause severe premenstrual syndrome. If you have really bad PMS (premenstrual syndrome) you may actually have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Women with PTSD are 7x more likely to have a severe form of PMS called Premenstrual Read More →
When you have a physical wound you do whatever-it-takes to get it to fully heal. Its just as important for you to do whatever-it-takes to get your PTSD wound to fully heal. PTSD doubles your risk of multiple sclerosis, shrinks part of your brain and sabotages your career - but with some Read More →
Social Anxiety – My public speaking anxiety story
Social anxiety may seem to come out blue but there is always a root, it just may be something that you have hidden in the back of your mind. Here is how my public speaking anxiety seemed to come out of the blue. All through college and graduate school I had no problem speaking in Read More →
Premenstrual women develop 4 X more traumatic memories
Women are 4 times more likely to develop a traumatic memory of a car accident than if they have the exact same accident 2 weeks later. This is because your brain doesn't care if something is listed in some book as a trauma or not. As far as your brain is concerned, the only Read More →
Do you have problems with ANGER, FEARS, SADNESS, OBSESSIONS or COMPULSIONS? Do a simple exercise to find out if emotional baggage is subconsciously causing your problems. Think of an issue that is interfering with your life right now. This may be anger, sadness, anxiety, an Read More →
Conquer Anxiety By Resolving Your Worst Memory
Fully healing the emotional wound from your worst memory conquers anxiety and allows you to calmly and confidently tackle your future challenges. EVERYBODY HAS A '10' If you were watching a video of all of the worst and most upsetting moments in your life and you were going to hit the Read More →
Start Breaking Compulsions & Addictions In 2 Minutes
The difference between social drinking and problem drinking doesn't have anything to do with how ofter you drink, how much you drink, whether you drink alone or with other people. Social drinking happens when you drink to make a good feeling better. Problem drinking - and any other Read More →
Dream Induction – A fun way to beat insomnia
Do you have insomnia just because you can't turn off your mind? Dream induction allows you to turn off the TV and turn on a movie in your mind instead. Step 1 - Generate an emotion. Allow yourself to recall a positive memory. Vividly relive the memory using all five senses and then go Read More →